Yoga, Balance and the Brain

Yoga, Balance and the Brain – Researched and written by Tamaryn Burton-Moore “It would seem that dancing came into being at the beginning of all things…” (The Dance of Shiva) “The most primitive part of the vestibular system… is estimated to be more than 500...

The Inward Journey

Old Bangkok This is Wat Mahathat, a quiet peaceful monastery in the oldest part of Bangkok. Near the ruined fortress walls in the ancient part of the city.I showed up there every morning for meditation for a few months in the early 90s. It was there in Bangkok that...

On inspiration

What do working with wood, monkeying around and Richard Branson all have in common? As 2016 drew to a close and this new year and new cycle began, I reflected on “inspiration”, and discovered that these three seemingly unrelated things (wood, monkeying...

A Taste of Freedom

There is quite a lot happening! October / November is that very productive time for many people in Cape Town. I am practicing trying to be “the still point in a turning world” much of the time, and really thankful for the short meditation practice that I put on the...