Join SA’s very first Yoga Alliance RYS certified Yoga Teacher Training

Training Teachers Since 2005 – full time or part time



NEXT Yoga Alliance COURSE

In 2025 we will offer both a Full time 200Hr Immersion as well as a Part time 200Hr Yoga Alliance Progamme.

Full Time – Intensive (Month long Immersion) November

Part Time (slow and steady integrated learning) March to September  



I’m thrilled to introduce my latest Yoga Teacher Training program. After some time in the making, this offering has evolved into something truly exciting. The inspiration behind it hails from a concept I shared during an interview a few years ago:
“Good teaching comes from good practicing.” It’s pretty much that simple.
Embarking on a yoga teacher training isn’t just about earning a certification. Unlike other professional qualifications, the certificate holds little weight compared to the wisdom that is cultivated and embodied through dedicated practice.
Yoga has a ripple effect, one that extends far beyond the mat. Even if you never plan to teach, your practice alone will influence those around you. You will become a living example of balance, presence, and clarity—qualities that resonate within your home, workplace, and every aspect of your life. It’s not simply about teaching others; it’s about teaching ourselves to embody yoga’s principles in our day-to-day existence. The ability to share these teachings naturally follows.
For those of you still with me, let’s take a moment to explore the evolution of yoga in the West.
I began my journey in yoga long before the Yoga Alliance or the 200-hour teacher training became standard. My immersion in yoga started in India in 1987. In fact, my first formal teaching training was a two-year apprenticeship in 1997 in Sydney. At the time, no certificate was offered, because we recognized that the certificate was secondary to the practice itself. Yoga, unlike any academic pursuit, is about internalizing and sharing these practices in their truest form. The foundation of this learning is intensive practice.
Those truly committed to yoga, driven by curiosity and dedication, continue on their path of study and practice, evolving into the next generation of genuine yogis. This is why I also offer a 300-hour training and mentorship program for those who, like me, remain lifelong students of the practice.
The journey to Yoga—union, or as I like to call it, Re-Union with the authentic self—is both profound and personal. In our program, we’ll cultivate a deep personal practice while preparing you to share these practices in a way that is safe, effective, and authentic to your unique self.
The 200-hour program unfolds as a journey that moves from the external to the internal, from the tangible to the subtle realms of awareness. Here’s an outline of the part-time weekend training schedule:
Weekend Training Schedule (7 am to 5 pm):
March 15 & 16 – Foundation Practices
Evolution of movement, stable standing asanas, Yoga history 1, Sanskrit pronunciation 1, Anatomy 1 (Tensegrity), Meditation & Pranayama 1
April 12 & 13 – Taking Flight
Expansion, anti-gravity, alignment redefined, Yoga philosophy foundations (Patanjali Sutras), Anatomy 2, Sanskrit 2, Meditation & Pranayama 2
May 10 & 11 – Freedom through Restraint
Baddha, Bandha, and Mudra, Sage asanas, Meditation & Pranayama 3, Concepts of the Gita, Anatomy 3, Props for alignment and restoration
June 14,15,16 (Long weekend) – Beauty of Balance
Inversions as still points in a turning world, partner support, adjustments & assisting, neuroplasticity and nervous system, Gunas, polyvagal theory, career development 1, Meditation & Pranayama 4
July 12 & 13 – Effortless Backbending
Entering the unknown field, sequencing science, postural assessment & adaptation, Meditation & Pranayama 5, Ayurvedic Dosha model, Pregnancy yoga, teaching methodology
August 9 & 10 – Breathing & Mind: Meeting with Prana
Advanced pranayama, sequencing science 2, voice work and teaching, career development 2, myofascial release
September 6 & 7 – Self-Sufficiency in Practice
Teaching practice (adjustments & assists), Prana-Vidya practices, closing ceremonies and celebrations
This structured progression reflects the journey of both self-inquiry and outward expression. Paradoxically, as we deepen our introspective practice, we simultaneously evolve in our external lives. It requires commitment, but the rewards are transformative.
In addition to these weekends, two short courses in Yoga Synergy Elements are available—online or in person—for added continuity of practice. These sessions run Monday and Wednesday mornings from 6:15 to 8:00 am, in May (5th-28th) and August (4th-27th).
You’ll also need to allocate 15-20 hours for homework assignments and 5-10 hours for practical teaching exercises in the second half of the program.
Yoga has always been a path for those seeking to see beyond the illusion of the material world—those striving to be “seers” while engaging with the world around them. This theme runs deep. How does one live as a true yogi in the modern world? This has been my work for over 30 years, and I offer this course as an invitation for those who feel the calling to live yoga in a deeper, more authentic way.
This program is ideal for anyone looking to deepen their yoga practice and understanding—whether you aspire to teach or simply wish to cultivate a lifelong, personal practice. Regardless of your intent, this experience will transform how you perceive and engage with yoga.
Our approach blends ancient traditions with modern practices tailored for the contemporary yogi. The physical practices are rooted in a deep understanding of biomechanics, applied anatomy, and physiology, developed over 35 years of study. The more subtle arts of meditation and pranayama are drawn from the Himalayan Yoga Tradition—a legitimate lineage with which I’ve been aligned since 2014.
Students benefit from a dedicated “teaching team” of seasoned and inspiring yoga professionals, each bringing specialized expertise to create a world-class learning experience.

    The training will usually take place at Rocklands Health and Movement Center, our  beautiful venue conveniently located. This is a clean and green, high natural energy environment and the perfect place for an immersion experience like this.

    Cost: R29500.00 (US$ 1575.00)- Early bird discount: R26550 (two months in advance)

    Payment plans are available by arrangement. Ask us.

    Past Graduates of Jim Harrington Yoga Teacher training may repeat the whole course with a 40% discount


    This training comes with a 220 page manual which has been evolving since the first YTT in 2005. TOPICS of this Manual INCLUDES:

    • Teaching methodologies and yoga techniques
    • Guided practice of alignment focussed Vinyasa-style Yoga using specially designed sequences for Teacher Training which includes the best lessons, adjustments, and step-ups to develop from a novice to an expert in asana.
    • Guided practice of meditation and pranayama in detail
    • The art of teaching, including verbal instruction, demonstration and how to “workshop” technique
    • The art of assisting and hands-on adjustments
    • Precise pronunciation of Sanskrit names of postures (taught by University linguistics lecturer Eva Raal)
    • Key Principles of alignment in all basic postures, bandha, and transitional flow
    • Using your voice and developing authentic confidence in the teaching role
    • Using Props and equipment in yoga practice

    Injury management and special conditions

    • Prenatal yoga
    • Principles of Remedial yoga therapy for common physical postural problems

    Ethics of teaching yoga

    Anatomy and physiology

    • Applied anatomy for yoga practice means understanding “alignment’ from the inside out
    • Basic joint structure and function and the physiology of the nervous system is the basis of yoga as therapy

    The business of yoga

    • Advancement in your career: How to progress from novice to expert
    • Giving and receiving: what and how does a yoga teacher transact
    • Defining your business objectives and drawing up your action plan

    Yoga philosophy

    • History of yoga
    • Selected lessons from the Vedas, Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita
    • Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the 8 Limbs of Yoga
    • The Roots of Contemporary Yoga –Krishnamacharya’s Legacy
    • Chakra System (including the energetic anatomy: koshas, gunas, nadis)
    • Practical introspection and self enquiry.
    • Special Guest teachers are included
    • Myofascial Release
    • Pregnancy yoga 
    • Chanting

    It has been a truly profound learning experience to enjoy a months of deep deep immersion into yoga (YTT200HRS), anatomy & physiology, philosophy, meditation & breathing guided by Jim Harrington.  He offers a unique blend of the ancient and the new, taking us to the edges to bring out our fullest expression.

    I deeply appreciate his depth of knowledge as a guide on the journey through the body, the fascinating anatomy of movement and alignment into flow. Thank you Jim for holding space for us all and enriching us with your years of experience in this field and for bringing in a selection of truly inspiring teachers to spice the educational flow. 

    Karina Andersen


    Applicants must have an established yoga practice for a minimum of two years and a love of yoga prior to starting the course. This is not a course for beginners. 

    Application Process:

    • Download Information pack and submit the Application Form
    • Enroll with a deposit of R8,000 or USD 500.00 or full fee to secure your place on the course.