The Anatomy Program is 12 years old now. It has been steadily evolving. Each year adding or removing a little here and there. It’s got to the point now where I feel it is covering all the most important basics for yoga teachers and practitioners without overloading them.

And in particular the safety aspects are thoroughly drilled. Not everyone wants to know the names of 200 muscles in the body. Though that is useful and ideal, it’s probably more useful to know the way that they work in unison during practice of yoga postures and breathing.

The course has just been renovated and jacked up with the latest 3D computer imagery. Visible Body 3D Anatomy Atlas I really recommend a look at this app if you have an interest in whats under the skin.

It makes medical knowledge so accessible to the mortal yoga teacher or practitioner. It is also really handy as a reference when you speak to clients about injuries or posture imbalances.

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